Book: Egypt's Great Pyramid

Book: Egypt's Great Pyramid

American Chronicle (James Wood)

This page is basically an author (James Wood, retired trial lawyer) publicizing his own self-published book Egypt´s Great Pyramid of Knowledge (2007, Author House)

We may sometimes classify misunderstood facts as being mysterious. I think that has been an important factor in the study of ancient Egypt. When skilled Egyptologists and archeologists are confronted with mega monuments that have no historical data to explain their existence they must use their research to come up with answers. They are very good at it but with no actual facts by which to compare results there is no sure way to know what the truth is. This leaves the door ajar for a lot of second-guessing and speculation. It also creates a fertile ground for debate.

As far as I can tell from the rest of this page the author's main purpose is to speculate about the function of the Great Pyramid, but he also appears to consider how the pyramid was built and suggests locations for chambers that were used to store documents.

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- Pyramids Discovered In Silicon Valley
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- Great Pyramid Proof Of God
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- The Great Pyramid It Construction, Symbolism And Chronology
Basil Stewart The Covenant Publishing Company, LTD. Stanhope Press Limited Great Briton 1931 This short 55 page document is yet another in the theory of the great pyramid being a creation of divine inspiration. My copy is a third edition from 1931 written...

- A Miracle In Stone
Reverend Joseph A. Seiss Porter Coates Philadelphia 1877 ASIN B002EEP30M This 137 year old book is by Reverend Joseph A. Seiss pastor of The Church of the Holy Communion. The book is about the theory that the great pyramid at Giza is a holy book made...

