Book Review: Anubio, Carmen astrologicum elegiacum.

Book Review: Anubio, Carmen astrologicum elegiacum.

Bryn Mawr Classics (Reviewed by Roger Beck, University of Toronto)

Dirk Obbink (ed.), Anubio, Carmen astrologicum elegiacum. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Munich and Leipzig: K. G. Saur, 2006.

Anoubion (hereafter A.), probably of Egyptian Thebes, composed a poem on astrology, probably in the late first century A.D. What distinguishes him as an astrological poet is that unlike his near contemporaries, Dorotheus of Sidon and Manilius, he wrote in elegiacs.

In this Teubner edition Dirk Obbink (hereafter O.) presents the surviving fragments and testimonies. A modern edition is needed because a large proportion of the fragments are from papyri, most of them published by O. himself in 1999 as nos. 4503-4507 in the Oxyrhynchus Papyri series. O's introduction to and commentary on these papyri should be used in tandem with his Teubner edition by any one looking for more than just a definitive text of A.

See the above page for the full review.

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