Book Review: Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, XXVII

Book Review: Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, XXVII

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Reviewed by Peter C. Nadig)

Nicolas Flessa (ed.), Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, XXVII. "(Gott) schütze das Fleisch des Pharao": Untersuchungen zum Magischen Handbuch pWien Aeg 8426. München: K. G. Saur, 2006.

Students of Egyptology in German-speaking countries are often encouraged to publish their master's thesis, a step which in contrast, is rather uncommon, if not discouraged among ancient historians. Nevertheless, many of these Egyptology graduates edit Egyptian texts hitherto unpublished or in need of a new edition or publish archaeological finds or analyze philological topics. This is the case with Nicolas Flessa's publication of pWien Aeg 8426, a late hieratic papyrus of the Roman Period now in the Austrian National Library in Vienna. This fragmentary papyrus is from a temple handbook containing magic spells and rituals for the protection of the king. Its text has not been published in its entirety before, but the papyrus has been consulted in part by scholars since 1974.

See the above page for the entire review.

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