Book review: Excavating Egypt

Book review: Excavating Egypt
Review by Stan Parchin
Betsy Teasley Trope, Stephen Quirke and Peter Lacovara, et al.
Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London (exh. cat.).
Atlanta, GA: Michael C. Carlos Museum, 2005.
"Books dealing with both ancient Egyptian art and its scientific study rarely strike a balance in their treatment of the two topics. From an art historian's perspective, Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London excels in its even coverage of both subjects. This highly readable catalogue for the special exhibition of the same name describes in 205 pages more than 160 works of art and artifacts from a renowned British collection."
See the above page for the full review, with photographs.

A short review is also shown on Ancient Egypt Magazine's website, near the end of the page, at:

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