Book reviews: Modern Egyptian history

Book reviews: Modern Egyptian history
This page on the Middle East Forum website might well be of interest to some visitors. It lists a number of books that look at modern Egyptian history. The page is introduced as follows: "Although its glory days may be past, Egypt remains an important player in regional politics. With almost eighty million people, it has by far the largest Arab population. While there may be twenty-two members of the Arab League, one in three Arabs is Egyptian. And although Islamists question the legitimacy of many Arab states formed in the wake of World War I, Egypt has a recognized legacy going back millennia. Because Egypt is one of only three Arab states to have full diplomatic relations with Israel, it retains an elevated position as a diplomatic intermediary. Despite its importance, though, recent literature on Egypt is scarce.
Since the 1952 Free Officers' coup which brought Gamal Abdel Nasser (r. 1952-70) to power, the Egyptian government has grown more opaque. Scholarly access is limited. Most scholars divide modern Egyptian history into three periods: post-French invasion modernization, 1798-1919; the liberal period, 1919-52; and the post-1952 order. Recent books about Egypt generally cover only three issues: history, politics, and Islamism. Major topics remain unaddressed: Few authors examine in depth Egypt's religious minorities or internal regional identities. Studies of the Egyptian army—from which have come Egypt's past three leaders—are sparse."

- Sad News: Tharwat Okasha, A Founder Of Egypt’s Culture Institutions Dies
Ahram Online  Writer, translator and minister of culture during the Nasserite era, Tharwat Okasha, who is referred to as the founder of Egypt’s cultural institutions, died on Monday 27 February in Cairo. He was 91. Tharwat Okasha (1921 – 2012)...

- A Revolutionary Duck
CairObserver When walking along the waterfront in Garden City Cairenes and visitors wonder about one particular building across the Nile on the southern tip of Gezira (Zamalek) Island. If you take a falucca ride around here the boatman might tell you...

- Egyptians And Modern History
The Daily News, Egypt (Dina Abdel-Mageed) This short but fascinating article entitled "Is Egypt rewriting its history?" the author looks at the revival of interest amongst today's Egyptians about their pre-1952 revolution past. The Arabic media has...

- Exhibition: More Re Pioneers To The Past
Media-Newswire A new exhibition at the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute Museum chronicles an amazing and sometimes dangerous journey 90 years ago by James Henry Breasted, a famed archaeologist who brought back Egyptian artifacts to Chicago....

- Global Influence Of Egyptian Culture (Egyptian State Information Service)"The Culture of Egypt has five thousand years of recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations. For millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly complex and stable culture...

