Brazilian team seeking sponsorship

Brazilian team seeking sponsorship
"Egyptologist Antonio Brancaglion Junior wants to take Brazilian students to carry out archaeological research in Egypt. Brancaglion, curator of the Egyptian collection at the National Museum of the Federal University do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), is seeking sponsors to create a French-Brazilian excavation mission in the city of Tanis, former capital of Egypt, where Pharaohs were buried.
The idea is for Brazilian Archaeology and Restoration students to work in the region, along with French archaeologists that are already exploring the site. The cost of maintaining the work of a 20-member team, including French and Brazilians, for two years, is approximately 600,000 Brazilian reais (about US$ 300,000). Half the funds would have to come from Brazil."
See the above page for details.

- The Scribes Of Brazil
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