Breaking News - Hawass replaced as Minister of Antiquities?

Breaking News - Hawass replaced as Minister of Antiquities?

There are reports coming in that Zahi Hawass, Minister of State for Antiquities, has resigned his position or been replaced during or following the most recent cabinet reshuffle. It appears that his replacement is Dr Abdel Fattah Al-Banna from Cairo University. There are, as yet, no official statements on the subject. One of the reports has appeared on Bikya Masr and another on The Daily News Egypt.

The only things that I have been able to find out about Al-Banna are that he is an expert in stone restoration and, according to Al Ahram Weekly, led a protest to oust Mark Lehner and his team from the AERA dig house earlier this year.

I will post more news as I hear it. Thanks to those who have emailed me so far - do keep the news coming in.

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