British Museum in sudan rescue project

British Museum in sudan rescue project

British Satellite News

Video piece which features Derek Welsby talking about rescue archaeology and the recovery of rock engravings. The full script is available on the above page if you don't wish to listen to it.


SHOT LIST: (London, UK and Sudan)

1. Footage of the region and the dig (File courtesy of New Holland Construction)
2. SOT: (English Speech) super: Derek Welsby, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum
“Prior to the start…
3. Photograph of excavating rock art
4. Photograph of pots and objects excavated from the site
5. Pan of rock fortress
6. SOT: (English Speech) super: Derek Welsby, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum
“Some of the major…
7.Various of rock art from items donated to the British Museum
8. Demonstration of a rock gong
9. SOT: (English Speech) super: Derek Welsby, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum
“In this region…
10. Photograph of boulder with rock art in situ
11. Various of rock art pieces donated to the British museum

The donated rocks - featuring important animals and people - will form the cornerstone of a future exhibition at the British Museum, preserving at least some of this area’s fascinating cultural heritage.

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