Bruce Trigger

Bruce Trigger
There are early reports that Bruce Trigger has died. Bruce Trigger has helped to explain in the clearest terms how archaeology had developed, and the consequences that this has had for the field as a whole, but he has also participated in the development of archaeological thinking itself, exploring new ideas and offering different approaches. An informal tribute to him can be found at the above site. One of his important contributions to Egyptology was the Predynastic chapter of Ancient Egypt: A Social History, with B.J. Kemp, D. O'Connor, and A.B. Lloyd (Cambridge University Press 1983). Another was the comparative study Understanding Early Civilizations (Cambridge University Press 2003).
A summary, by Trigger, of his publications and research interests, can be found at:

- Meroitic Newsletter - A Digital Compilation
Etana-ABZU A new open access journal has been added to the online ABZU resource, as follows: The Meroitic Newsletter - A Digital Compilation. Version 1.0 (Issues 1-21,23,24,27,28) Compiled by Reginald Smith Dedicated to all Meroitic Scholars, especially...

- New Book: Egyptology Today
Cambridge University Press Egyptology Today. By Richard Wilkinson. Cambridge University Press. January 2008. Egyptology Today examines how modern scholars examine all aspects of ancient Egypt, one of the greatest of all ancient civilizations. In essays...

- Obituary: Bruce Trigger,,60-2490240,00.html"Bruce Trigger was a leading expert in three distinct fields of archaeology: as a historian of the discipline; as an Egyptologist; and as an authority on the aboriginal cultures of ancient North...

- Book Review: The Archaeology Of Bruce Trigger Lovely to see the work of such an important contributor to archaeology (and Egyptology) honoured by his peers: "Indiana Jones's adventures in archaeology had nothing on McGill Professor Bruce Trigger's,...

- Book: The Archaeology Of Early Egypt Thanks to Geoffrey Tassie for the information that a new book on early Egypt is forthcoming: The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC...

