Buried History at the Cairo Museum

Buried History at the Cairo Museum

Here is another article on the recent finds in the garden of the Cairo museum.


- Online: Karnak Cachette Database Project
IFAO Thanks to Rhio for the link. Available in French and English. Here's an exerpt from the introduction: Georges Legrain made an extraordinary discovery in 1903 in the north-west section of the courtyard in front of the Seventh Pylon at Karnak,...

- Resources: The Karnkak Cachette Database
Thanks to the Ancient World Online blog for drawing attention to the Karnak Cachette Database Project, available in French and English. Here's an extract from the project's introduction: Georges Legrain made an extraordinary discovery in 1903...

- Reburying The Past
Archaeologists in the old days buried antiquities they felt were unnecessary in the garden of the Cairo museum. http://www.egyptiangazette.net.eg/gazette/tourism/detail_8_88.shtml#...

- New Finds At Dra Abu El-naga
This article appears to have some new information about the recent finds at this Theban necropolis. http://www.eturbonews.com/9891/necropolis-luxor-yields-18th-dynasty-tomb-mummies-and-figurines...

- Discovering Edfu
This interesting article is very informative on recent discoveries at Edfu. http://www.eturbonews.com/3212/chicago-university-discovers-ancient-egyptian...

