Cahiers Caribéens d’Egyptologie Feb/March 2007

Cahiers Caribéens d’Egyptologie Feb/March 2007
The most recent issue of CCDE (No.10, February/March 2007) is now available. It can be purchased online at the above address, where a full list of contents, with abstracts is also shown. Articles are in French, Spanish and English. The contents are listed below:

Edwin van den Brink -

Nadine Dokoui-Cabrera, Lorène Labridy, Jean-Philippe Gourdine, Fabrice Silpa & Alain Anselin
Ankhou, Groupe de Recherches Pluridisciplinaire en Egyptologie

Oum Ndigi
Ngok Lituba
Groupe de Recherches Universitaire Pluridisciplinaire

Juan Jose Castillos
La estraficacion social en los origines de Egipto

Alain Anselin
Aegyptio-Graphica I. Note sur la valeur phonétique du hiéroglyphe du percnoptère translittéré /3/.

Lorène Labridy & Fabrice Silpa
Aegyptio-Graphica V. Un pluriel archaïque sur un Vase Decorated du Nagada II C

Oum Ndigi & Nadine Djo Ndjoke
Ngok Lituba I. Mbénbén, le nom de la pierre sacrée en bàti (bantu A 530).

Bienvenu Gouem Gouem
Ngok Lituba II. Note introductive methodologique au projet de fouilles archéologiques sur le site de Ngok Lituba

Jorge Roberto Ogdon - Studies in Archaic Epigraphy XVII. Further "On the Early Epithets of Anubis"

Alain Anselin - L’Avaleuse de Morts Archéologie linguistique de la Vallée des Images

Roxana Flammini
Lecturas egipcias de la Alteridad asiatica Mouhamadou

Nissire Sarr
La Bière et le Vin dans la pensée religieuse des Egyptiens de l’Antiquité

Juan de la Torre Suarez
El bebé de la Tumba Real de Amarna y otras cuestiones

Teresa Soria Trastoy
Una metodoligia de dudose aplicacion al conocimiento de los procesos sociales en el Antiguo Egipto

- I-medjat, Number 7
i-Medjat no.7 Can be downloaded free of charge from the above page, or go straight to the PDF here. Previous issues can also be downloaded. i-Medjat is a recent egyptological journal edited by the Unité de Recherche-Action Guadeloupe (UNIRAG) and available...

- New Online Articles At Francesco Raffaele's Website
Late Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (Francesco Raffaele) Thanks to EEF for the information that Francesco has updated his website with some new articles. Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, Dirk Huyge: "Rock art research in Egypt, 2000-2004", in: Paul G. Bahn,...

- Report On Oirigins 3 Colloquium At The British Museum
Ancient Egypt (Juan Jose Castillos) Thanks to Juan Jose Castillos (Director of the Uruguayan Institute of Egyptololgy) for publishing his notes from the Origins 3 colloquium at the British Museum, which took place from July 28th to August 1st 2008. The...

- Apuntes De Egiptologia No.3 2007
Apuntes de Egiptologia Contents: ANSELIN, A. Réflexions autour des noms égyptiens de l'oeil. À propos de découvertes archéologiques récentes dans le Delta ( Reflexiones sobre los nombres egipcios del ojo. A propósito de los descubrimientos...

- Indetec Aegiptus Journal Of Egyptology 2007/2008
IAJE The electronic Journal of Egyptology 2007/2008 (No. II) is now available online at the above address in Spanish. Articles are free to download in PDF format. Articles include: - Observaciones sobre la piramede de Jaefra by Pere Simo Prado - Una...

