Cataloguing megaliths in the Western Desert

Cataloguing megaliths in the Western Desert (naukawpolsce)
Huge thanks to A. Soliter for pointing me at the English language page on the naukawpolsce website, which includes the following important news item, on the above page. It dates to 25th January 2006, but I can't recall seeing it anywhere else: "The International United Prehistoric Expedition has begun a new research season (January – March). Headed by Prof. Romuald Schild of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, it will investigate inaccessible parts of the Egyptian Western Desert. The aim of the expedition is to catalogue the previously found, oldest megalithic objects in Africa, long rows and clusters of menhirs – tall upright stones. Prof. Schild explains there are hundreds of them in a field of ten square kilometres. Dating back to between 4500 B.C. and 3500-3400 B.C., they belong to the oldest such objects in the world. He adds that the mission will also research an ancient sandstone quarry. Works will also take place south of Gebel Nabta, where traces of an early Neolithic hunting encampment have been found. Moreover, a preliminary survey will be held on both banks of the Nile stretching 50km between Aswan and Kom Ombo."
This is the complete news item, but to see more Archaeology news items involving Polish projects, see:

- Prehistoric Discoveries In Northeast Sudan
Polish Market Online Rock engravings, ancient burial sites and several dozen terracotta figurines were discovered by a group of Polish archaeologists in the north-eastern part of Sudan by the Red Sea, “Rzeczpospolita” reports. The research was carried...

- Online: Late Neolithic Megalithic Structures At Nabta Playa (sahara), Southwestern Egypt.
The Comparative Archaeology website Added March 1998. Updated November 26, 2000. Late Neolithic megalithic structures at Nabta Playa (Sahara), southwestern Egypt. By Fred Wendorf and Romuald Schild Introduction Located 100 km west of Abu Simbel, in southernmost...

- Saharan Prehistory
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- A Tomb Under Hanging Rock ("An increasing number of traces indicate that on a rock shelf above the temple of Hatshepsut is a tomb belonging to a Pharaoh from the 21st dynasty – says Prof. Andrzej Niwiński of the Institute of Archaeology...

- A Copy Of The Egyptian Vizier's Tomb (Naukawpolsce) "The only copy of the Egyptian vizier Merefnebef’s 3rd millennium B.C. tomb is in Warsaw’s National Museum – Prof. Karol Myśliwiec heading the Polish archaeological mission in Saqqara told us. This was down...

