Celebrating Sham El Naseem (Spring Festival)

Celebrating Sham El Naseem (Spring Festival)


On Monday, Many Egyptians are gathering in gardens and national parks, enjoying the favorable warm weather to celebrate the Sham El-Naseem Feast (Spring Festival).

While others take felucca (small narrow boat with one or two sails) on the Nile River to enjoy the fantastic view.

They never forget to take special food with them, colored eggs for their breakfast, and salted fish, onions and lettuce for lunch. They prefer to enjoy meals in the open air with their families and relatives.

Sham El-Naseem, which dates back to 2,700 B.C., is one of the Pharaoh's feasts and celebrated now by all Egyptians, including Muslims and Christians.

The Pharaohs called this feast Shamus Feast, which means the life resurrection. The name changed through time especially in the Coptic Age to the Sham, then the word Naseem was added, referring to the arrival of Spring.

See the above page for more.

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