Closure of Theban Mapping Project Survey

Closure of Theban Mapping Project Survey

The Theban Mapping Project's online survey concerning the future of the Valley of the Kings has now closed. In a posting to the Amun Group, Nigel Hetherington, Conservation Manager on the project says that this has become one of the largest public consultations ever undertaken on the future of a World Heritage Site.

- Kv 5 Update
Theban Mapping Project (Kent Weeks) Thanks very much to Kate Phizackerley's "News from the Valley of the Kings" blog for the information that Kent Weeks has published a brief 2009 update on the clearing of KV 5, the tomb of the sons of Ramesses II....

- Theban Mapping Project Masterplan to Nigel Hetherington's post to EEF, to point out that the Kings Valley Masterplan is online, on the Theban Mapping Project's webbsite: "In the spring of 2004, the Supreme Council...

- Theban Mapping Project (website Review) articulate and clear review of the latest version of the Theban Mapping Project's website: "When I first viewed and reviewed the original Theban Mapping Project, I was genuinely impressed, and...

- Theban Mapping Project Survey Closing Tour Egypt's Luxor News blog, Jane Akshar reports that Nigel Hethrington has announced that the Theban Mapping Project Survey will be closing soon. It is currently online at

- Theban Mapping Project Survey Since 1978 the Theban Mapping Project has been working to compile a complete datbase of sites in Thebes. Its work has focused initially on the Valley of the Kings. The site is excellent and hte project is...

