Coming Home from America

Coming Home from America

This has certainly been a year of international co-operation in the preservation of Egypt's heritage, though causes of the industry remain at odds with the intellectual desire to preserve everything in a museum drawer or others acquiring beautiful ancient objects for personal collections.

This is an article on a number of artifacts including coffins confiscated at New York city customs in 2011 and on their way back to Egypt in the coming year. The objects have probably come from illegal digs and also include Middle Kingdom artifacts.

- In Egypt Turmoil, Thieves Hunt Pharaonic Treasures
Ahram Online Google / Associated Press Illegal digs near ancient temples and in isolated desert sites have swelled a staggering 100-fold over the past 16 months since a popular uprising toppled Hosni Mubarak's 29-year regime and security fell apart...

- Underwater Museum Planned For Egypt's Alexandria
National Geographic Cleopatra's palace sank long ago into the Mediterranean, but visitors to Alexandria, Egypt, may eventually view the complex's remnants via the world's first underwater museum. In early September the United Nations cultural...

- Metropolitan Returns Tutankhamun Objects To Egypt
This article on the return of objects from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art back to Egypt. The artifacts are believed to have been taken by Howard Carter from the tomb of Tutankhamun. The objects removed by Carter were termed by the late Thomas...

- Mfa Highlights: Arts Of Ancient Egypt
Rita Freed   Lawrence M. Berman   Denise M. Doxey Museum of Fine Arts Boston 2003 ISBN 0-87846-661-4   Recently my nine year old charge Natasha was on her way to Boston with her family so I urged her to visit the Museum of Fine...

- Egypt: Gift Of The Nile
The brand new Surrey museum in British Columbia Canada is a well proportioned and designed museum with a cheerful staff and with entrance fees of $2.50 for children and $5.00 for adults is a must see for locals and tourists. Gift of the Nile from the...

