Conference: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts

Conference: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts

EVA 2010
Justify Full

EVA London 2010
Monday 5th - Wednesday 7th July 2010

Deadline: 15th January 2010

ideas and concepts in culture, heritage and the arts: digital arts, sound, music, film and animation, 2D and 3D imaging, European projects, archaeology, architecture, social media for museums, heritage and fine art photography, computer arts


We invite proposals of papers, demonstrations or short performances, workshops or panel discussions. Only a summary of the proposal on not more than one page is required for the selection process. This must be submitted electronically according to the instructions on the EVA London website,

Proposals may be on any aspect of EVA London's focus on visualisation for the arts and culture, broadly interpreted, including technology, use and users, creative, visual and performing arts and music and visualisation for museums, historic sites and architecture. Papers are peer reviewed and may be edited. They will be published as hard copy and online. Other presentations may be published as summaries or as papers.

If your proposal is a case study, we will be looking for discussions of wider principles or applications using the case study as an example.

Bursaries to attend EVA London will again be available if you don't have access to grants.


EVA London's conference themes will include, but are not limited to:

* Digital and computational fine art and photography
* Reconstructive archaeology and architecture
* Visualising ideas and concepts
* Moving and still images in museums and galleries
* Digital art
* Digital performance
* Historic sites and buildings
* Immersive environments
* Web 2.0 technologies in art and culture
* Visualisation in museums and historic sites
* Sound, music, film and animation
* Technologies of digitisation, 2D and 3D imaging
* Virtual and augmented worlds

For further information see

EVA London 2010 will be co-sponsored by the Computer Arts Society, a Special Interest Group of the British Computer Society, and by the BCS.


Sarah McDaid
Visiting Research Fellow
Institute for Computing Research
Faculty of Business
London South Bank University
London UK

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