Conserving Mummy

Conserving Mummy

A very short article with a nice picture of the mummy's Ptolemaic mask.

- Video: Cosi Installation
Lost Egypt Exhibition The COSI team are shown unpacking artifacts from the Brooklyn Museum as well as the coffin and mummy from the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Conservation Of Mummy From Philadelphia Museum
Lost Egypt With photograph. This week we begin conservation on the mummy that will be on display in Lost Egypt, on loan to us by the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. The mummy is of a girl approximately 14-18 years old, who lived in Egypt...

- A Refurbished Museum
An attractive mummy will be put back on display when after three years the Belfast museum re-opens to visitors. Article has nice picture of the mummy.

- Restoring Humanity
Here is the tale of a mummy being made ready for display including taking advantage of the moment to study it.

- To Live Forever
This article has a nice picture of a mummy mask.

