Copyright This

Copyright This

So now the government of Egypt wants to copyright its monuments though it remains a mystery how they can possibly do this, the last time I checked the Giza pyramids were a world heritage site protected by UNESCO.

The citizens of the western world only help and solidify such a state and instead of leaving money to the police state the people of the world should use their money to support their public institutions at home and not Hosni Mubarak's dictatorship.

- More Re Egypt To Copyright Antiquities
Associated Press Egypt might copyright its pharaonic antiquities, from the pyramids to scarab beetles, in an attempt to get paid from the sale of replicas, an official said Thursday. It was unclear whether such a copyright would be recognized internationally....

- What Will Happen To Revenues From Tutankhamun? A fascinating article from the Cairo Magazine about how much money is being generated by the Tutankhamun touring exhibtion, and what might happen to the money when the tour...

- Forthcoming Session Of The World Heritage Committee "The 29th Session of the World Heritage Committee will be held in Durban, South Africa from 10 to 17 July 2005. The World Heritage Committee consists of representatives from 21 of the States Parties to the Convention...

- Showcasing Giza "As one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, one of the most unique monuments on the globe -- and one that must be protected -- the Giza Pyramids are listed on UNESCO's World Heritage list. To mark...

- A Slump In Tourism
The economy is being blamed for a drop in tourism in Egypt however I wonder if Egyptian officials attitudes towards its tourists may also be playing its part. I have many friends who love Pharaonic Egypt but who have no desire to visit the country. Many...

