Corniche tourism project cancelled

Corniche tourism project cancelled
"CANCELLED, the controversial Downtown Corniche project, which would have expanded the land bordering the Nile at the expense of the river. The decision was announced after Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif held a meeting late last month with several members of his Cabinet and the Cairo and Giza governors. The meeting also resulted in the declaration of an alternative project to create a tourist walkway along Nile shores, though details were not immediately available".

- Development: Luxor Heritage Management
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- Development: Luxor's Corniche
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Luxor, the City of Palaces, counts among the world's greatest open-air museum. If offers awe-inspiring monuments alongside more homely pleasures, riding a horse-drawn caleche along the Corniche, sailing a felucca across...

- Threats To Luxor Corniche?
This message was sent to me today. It has come to our attention that a new development program is about to be launched in Luxor by the Government of Egypt that focuses on the east bank Corniche Boulevard. The goal is to double the width of the Corniche...

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- Luxor City Development Project
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