CPAK looming

CPAK looming
The Conference of Precession and Ancient Knowledge is being increasingly picked up on by the online media, with references to individual speakers and their topics. This piece picks up on the claims by one presenter, John Anthony West, to have found evidence that the Sphinx is older than it is conventionally believed to be: "West will present evidence that shows that ancient cultures, particularly that of Egypt, were likely more advanced than many scholars now believe. According to West, the ancient Egyptians themselves attributed their wisdom to an earlier age going back over 10,000 years. West set out to test the hypothesis that the Sphinx was much older than its conventional date of 2500 BC. His findings provide the first hard evidence that an earlier age of civilization preceded the known development of civilization in the Nile valley."

CPAK will take place between October 13th and 15th 2006. For more about CPAK, including their presenters, location and schedule, see:

- Restoration Work Underway At Giza And Mit Rahina
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Earlier today the Minister of State for Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim led a tour around the Giza plateau to monitor work being done on the Sphinx’s Valley Temple and Mit-Rahina archaeological site, as part of the lead up...

- News: Oldest Olive Wood In Egypt
AERA I have no idea when this news item became available on the AERA website because it doesn't actually say (unless I'm suffering from selective blindness), which is more than a little frustrating. I don't appear to have posted about it before...

- More Re Age And Development Of Giza Sphinx
Press TV A British geologist claims the Egyptian Sphinx could be much older than previously thought and might have originally had a lion's face. Colin Reader says the rain erosion on the Sphinx's enclosure suggests it was built before the first...

- Egyptians, Not Greeks Were True Fathers Of Medicine"Scientists examining documents dating back 3,500 years say they have found proof that the origins of modern medicine lie in ancient Egypt and not with Hippocrates and the Greeks. The research...

- Cpak 2005 am always wary of including anything associated with "alternative" history, but as the following includes Graham Hancock and Robert Schoch, the subjects of the pyramids and the Sphinx are bound to come up, and may generate some...

