CSUB archaeologist looks for story behind death

CSUB archaeologist looks for story behind death

The Bakersfield Californian (Shellie Branco)

Someone or something bashed a guy known as Mummy No. 7 in the back of the head more than 1,500 years ago. Cal State Bakersfield anthropology professor Robert Yohe is trying to figure out the mystery behind his death.

Yohe has spent each summer since 2003 studying the archaeological site Tell El-Hibeh in Egypt. This summer, the Discovery Channel took an interest in the project, especially one mummy with an intriguing story.

Yohe returned to Egypt for about two weeks in late September to study Coptic (Christian) mummies from a Roman outpost. The project started in 2000 through UC Berkeley.

See the above page for the full story.

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