Current Research in Egyptology X

Current Research in Egyptology X


The update from the organizers of CRE was one of those emails which talks about the revamped website but doesn't send you the link! Never mind - it turned up on Google straight away. I don't usually cover conferences because EEF is the best place to find out that sort of info, but CRE is a worthy cause so here's the gist.

CRE is an extremely positive and unthreatening environment for those engaged in research to share their ideas, engage in dialogue and meet people with similar interests. This year CRE will be taking place on the 7th-9th January 2009. The deadline for papers is 14th September 2008, so if you are intending to present at the conference you will need to submit your abstract by then.

An interesting enhancement to the CRE offering this year is the addition of some talks on professional development for proto Egyptologists including how to build a C.V., how to go about getting published, developing interview techniques etc, for those who might be interested. They have asked both academics and publishers to give their insights into these areas in a seminar-style presentation and there has been some very enthusiastic feedback. If you have suggestions about any topics that you might like to see covered let the organizers know.

Changes have been made to the website, including the logo, in an attempt to make the site more user friendly, and to give people the opportunity to find out more about CRE and its purpose. A plan for the near future is to add links which will allow conference visitors to book accommodation, flights, trains etc. The booking form for the conference itself will also be available online. The plan is to add a Paypal payment option for paying the conference fee.

Here are details from the CRE X home page:

We are pleased to announce that the next CRE graduate conference will be held at the University of Liverpool from Wednesday 7th to the 9th of January 2009 We invite papers on Egypt and the Sudan from students involved in graduate research anywhere in the world. From Palaeolithic to Islamic studies, all time periods are actively encouraged and sought. Main themes include:
· Artefact Studies and museology
· Bioarchaeology, including floral and faunal studies
· Burial Practices and provisioning for the Afterlife
· Computing in Egyptology
· Current Fieldwork
· Economy and Sociology
· History and Chronological Studies
· Linguistics and Philology
· Method and Theory in Egyptological research.
· Piety and Identity in Egypt

Contributions to the conference can be given in three ways:
1) 20 minute paper
2) 10 minute brief communication (Ideal for those wishing to present current fieldwork)
3) A0 poster presentation

To register your interest in contributing to CRE X, please provide an abstract (200 words maximum), clearly stating the type of presentation you hope to give (paper, brief communication or poster), the name of your institution and your current academic status (eg MA, MPhil, PhD). If not currently affiliated with an institution, could you please state your most recently acquired relevant qualification as well as where and when you received it. Additionally, in an attempt to more readily identify what category your abstract should fall in, please specify any of the above themes that are appropriate.

Abstracts should be emailed to [email protected] in Word format.

Deadline for submission is 14th September 2008. All abstracts will be peer reviewed and may be returned for revision.

Egyptian students currently undertaking post-graduate studies at an Egyptian University are invited to submit for the CRE 2009 bursary. Details can be found here.

Further particulars as to registration and location of the event will be posted on our website in due course. If you have any enquiries please feel free to contact us on the above email address. For guidelines on producing a paper and PowerPoint presentation, click here.

Email: [email protected]

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