Czech Egyptologists report

Czech Egyptologists report

Thanks again to EEF for the following link in the News Digest:
An interview with Ladislav Bares: " Czechs are now involved in excavation work in Egypt, Syria, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria and Kuwait. All have come up with some important finds, but it is the Egyptologists who have really made an international impact. After more than a century of research and 40 years of excavation work in the land of the Pharaohs, Czech archaeologists have many important finds to their name. Ladislav Bares is head of the Czech Institute of Egyptology".
See the above page for the transcript of the interview, which is also available in audio.

- Update - Not So New Discovery At Abusir
Radio Praha Update: Thanks for the anonymous person who commented that this was a story dating from last year (do leave your name next time - it would be nice to thank the person, not someone nameless!). My apologies for the age of the article. It came...

- More Re New Discovery At Abusir
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- Czech Egyptologists In Egypt"The Czech team is one of only a dozen which have been granted permanent status in Egypt. The Abusir excavation site has proved unexpectedly rewarding and Czech archaeologists there have big plans for the future. The...

- Czech Egyptology - Parts Ii And Iii The last two parts of Czech Radio's look at the role of Czech Egyptologists in Egypt, at sites like Abusir. Part II stresses the role of building up good relationships with...

- Czech Egyptology - Part I "The Czech Egyptology has got an interesting history. It is not a well-known fact that the first Czech Egyptologist was the first director of the Egyptian collection in Bologna, Italy in the second half of the 19th...

