Dahab - impacts on tourism?

Dahab - impacts on tourism?

"Egypt's money-spinning tourism industry may take a hit after the bombs in Dahab this week, but tour operators and economists expect the impact to be limited, with the economy now more resilient to shocks. Nearly a decade ago, when gunmen killed 60 tourists as they visited the ruins at Luxor, tourism was devastated and it took more than four years for the economy to recover. Now, tourists and the economy are more hardy, as attacks become more common." Very few holiday cancellations have been made by tourists planning to visit Egypt soon, and the British government, which is usually very cautious, is not advising tourists to avoid Egypt.
See the above article for the full story.

For a somewhat abrasive commentary on the state of terrorism in Egypt, see Brian Whitaker's column, plus replies, on the Comment is Free page on The Guardian Unlimited website at:

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