Daily Photo - Faience pig figurine

Daily Photo - Faience pig figurine

UC11007. Faience? pig, faded. Early Dynastic Period (2750BCE-3100BCE). Found at Hierakonpolis ? Measurements - length 7 cms height 3.3 cms width 2.8 cms

- Daily Photo - Pear-shaped Macehead, Hierakonpolis
UC14894 Pear-shaped macehead, quartz (published as 'alabaster'); 10 shallow grooves right-handed from bottom to top; only partly bored from either end. Period - Early Dynastic Period (2750BCE-3100BCE) Found at - Hierakonpolis Material - quartz...

- Daily Photo - Game Board
UC20453 Limestone 'serpent-game' board with pierced handle attachment, three coils and incised criss-cross decoration on head and tail Period - Early Dynastic Period ? (2750BCE-3100BCE) Found at - Naqada Measurements - diameter 28.8 cms height...

- Daily Photo - Serekh Bracelet
UC25976 Blue glazed faience serekh bracelet composed of two end pieces with fastening holes and thirteen hawks on serekhs, also twenty-four spacer beads Period - Dynasty 1 (2890BCE-3100BCE) Found at - Gizeh Measurements - length 20.0 cms width 2.2 cms...

- Daily Photo - Cylinder Seal
UC11174 Cylinder seal faience green on white designed of linked scrolls and lotus leaves. Period - Late Middle Kingdom (1700BCE-1850BCE) Found at - Lahun Measurements - length 2.2 cms width .5 cms Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University...

- Daily Photo - Middle Kingdom Scarab From The Petrie
UC11152. Scarab faience yellowish; with scroll design with nefer, wd and ankh signs. Late Middle Kingdom (1700BCE-1850BCE). Found at Lahun. Faience. Length 2 cms width 1.5 cms. Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London...

