Daily Photo - More lovely bits from the British Museum

Daily Photo - More lovely bits from the British Museum

Funerary Stela of Renefseneb (shown with two relatives)
Limestone, Late Middle Kingdom c.1800BC
Traditional offering formula

Tomb slab of Neferseshempepy, Denderah
Limestone. Late Old Kingdom, c.2150BC

Limestone stela of Khnumhotep
5th Dynasty, c.2400BC, Saqqara

Inscribed fitting of Amenhotep IV in bronze
Eighteenth Dynasty
"There exists the sun of the sungod whom he loves,
Amenhotep, divine ruler of Thebes"

Limestone door from the tomb of Tjetji, Giza
Fourth Dynasty, c.2500BC
Tjetji is shown with his wife Debet

- Two Reliefs Stolen From Saqqara Recovered
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) With photo. The Egyptian Tourism and Antiquities Police have succeeded in recovering two well-preserved limestone reliefs stolen in 1986 by an international antiquities smuggling gang from Saqqara archaeological storehouses....

- Photo For Today - Head From Sarcophagus, Mfa
Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks Head from an anthropoid sarcophagus Ptolemaic Dynast, c. 200 B.C. Limestone No provenance listed Here's the description from the MFA website: Head from an anthropoid sarcophagus Egyptian, Hellenistic Period...

- Photo For Today - Offering Stela Of Nes-henou, Lyon
Offering stela in the name of Nes-Henou Old Kingdom Limestone Museum of Beaux Arts, Lyon Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo - Ostraca From The Petrie
UC31955. Hieratic ostracon, limestone. 7 columns of funerary text on recto and sketch of boat with man before statue in shrine on verso. New Kingdom. UC1585. Fragment of limestone; painted with sketch of a monkey. Late Eighteenth Dynasty, found at...

- The Courtiers Of Khufu And Khafra
These 30 odd Old Kingdom reserve heads as they are known appear to be funerary in nature. Nearly all are carved of white limestone but at least one is made from Nile mud. Many appear to be actual portraits while some are too idealized to be portraits...

