Daily Photo - Victoria Embankment, London

Daily Photo - Victoria Embankment, London

Victoria Embankment, on the north bank of the Thames in London (UK) is home to one of the many obelisks that were removed from Egypt in the 19th Century.

Not only does the obelisk survive, currently undergoing partial restoration, but a set of Egyptomaniac features are closely associated with it including twin sphinxes and public benches held up by miniature sphinxes and camels.

The Victoria Embankment obelisk, which puts up with all the wind and weather hurtling down the Thames, is referred to on all local maps as "Cleopatra's Needle". It has nothing to do with any of the Cleopatras, of course, and was actually erected by Tuthmosis III in Helipopolis.

It was transported to the UK from Alexandria and had quite an eventful journey, which is outlined at historic-uk.com. The obelisk is flanked by a pair of sphinxes and its base is encased in Egyptian-themed motifs of the era, all made of bronze.

I have very little information about the benches, which is a shame because they are great fun. The camel bench indicates that it was made by Z.D. Berry and Sons of Regent St, Westiminster, but I need to have a look around to find out who commissioned them. The benches extend along the entire of the Victoria Emankment.

Back tomorrow with a proper blog update

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