Daily Photo - Cave of Swimmers

Daily Photo - Cave of Swimmers

The Cave of Swimmers, named by Count Laszlo Almasy, and located in a slight inlet in the western side of the northern part of the Gilf Kebir called Wadi Sura (painted valley) was made famous by the film The English Patient. It is named for its wonderful floating figures, but these are by no means the only images shown in the caves, and my own favourites are the beautifully rendered bovids.

- New Rock Art Research At Gilf Kebir
Reuters Archaeologists are studying prehistoric rock drawings discovered in a remote cave in 2002, including dancing figures and strange headless beasts, as they seek new clues about the rise of Egyptian civilisation. Amateur explorers stumbled across...

- New Book: Swimmers In The Sand
From Miroslav Bárta Swimmers in the Sand. On the Neolithic Origins of Ancient Egyptian Mythology and Symbolism ISBN 978-80-87025-26-0, 112 pages Publisher: Dryada: Prague Publication date: April 2010 Author: Miroslav Bárta, photographs Martin Frouz...

- Online Resource: Inora
International Newsletter on Rock Art For anyone interested in rock art, Egyptian or otherwise, it may be worth checking out the above INORA page. The newsletter is available to download free of charge in PDF format. The most recent issue showing on the...

- Gilf Kebir - Join The Club
Gulf Life (Richard Hoath) The Gilf Kebir, on the south-western corner of Egypt’s Western Desert – remote, uninhabited, virtually rainless – holds a particular place in desert lore. Named and mapped only as recently as 1926 by Prince Kamal Al-Din,...

- Cave Of The Beasts
Amateur explorers have stumbled upon a cave filled with paintings which may be at least 8000 years old. The cave known as "Cave of the beasts" is located within a few miles of the famous "Cave of the swimmers" in the south west desert that borders Egypt...

