Daily Photo - Footwear from the Petrie Museum

Daily Photo - Footwear from the Petrie Museum

UC16555. Pair of fine palm-fibre sandals, with ant damage. Tie of one (B) missing. Length 33.5 cms width 16.5 cms. ghteenth Dynasty. Found at Sedment.

UC16556. Worn palm-fibre sandal, tie missing . Length 30 cms width 12.3 cms. Eighteenth Dynasty. Found at Sedment.

UC16557. Half (heel) palm-fibre sandal, tie missing. Date palm fibre. length 23 + cms width 11.5 cms. Eighteenth Dynasty. Found at Sedment.

Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,
University College London
With my thanks

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UC38914 String of beads: 30 carnelian spheroids; 4 carnelian rings; 2 carnelian wd3t; 1 carnelian pendant. Found with UC. 38915-UC.38921. Period - Middle Kingdom (1700BCE-2024BCE) Found at - Rifeh Measurements - pendant width 0.5 cms pendant length 1.1...

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