Daily Photo - Ivory wand fragment from Petrie

Daily Photo - Ivory wand fragment from Petrie

UC16384. Fragment of ivory (hippopotamus) magic wand, incised from R-L with frog on basket (HEQT), TA-URT with knife, two human heads and crocodile. 10.6cms. Possibly Eighteenth Dynasty.

Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,
University College London
With my thanks

- Daily Photo - Ivory Tag
UC16182 Ivory (hippopotamus) incised with BEKH and serekh with name of King Djer (cp. 16172) (broken at hole) Period - Dynasty 1 (2890BCE-3100BCE) Found at - Abydos Measurements - height 3.6 + cms width 3.1 cms Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian...

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UC16689. End of wooden toilet spoon in form of a duck's head with ivory beak, NOT the same spoon as 16688. Period - Dynasty 12 (1795BCE-1985BCE) till Dynasty 13 (1650BCE-1795BCE). Found at Lahun, length 4 cms. Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian...

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UC16685. Part of rectangular ivory object (made from hippo tusk) with incised design of recumbent lion - spotted - segment from cuboid rod. Late Middle Kingdom (1700BCE-1850BCE). Found at Lahun. Length 11 cms. Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,...

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UC16428. Bronze vase of piriform shape with long neck and flared rim, with incised hieroglyphic inscription 'for the washer of the sandals of Amen, Dhutihotep', between horizontal lines. 22.5cm. Eighteenth Dynasty Copyright: Petrie Museum of...

- Daily Photo - Ostraca From The Petrie
UC31955. Hieratic ostracon, limestone. 7 columns of funerary text on recto and sketch of boat with man before statue in shrine on verso. New Kingdom. UC1585. Fragment of limestone; painted with sketch of a monkey. Late Eighteenth Dynasty, found at...

