Daily Photo - KV23, Tomb of Ay

Daily Photo - KV23, Tomb of Ay

These photographs of the eighteenth dynasty tomb of Ay are even furrier than yesterday's batch, but they do give you an idea of the colouring and some of the subject matter.

The tomb, which was discovered by Belzoni in 1816, is located away from the main concentration of tombs, in the western part of the Valley of the Kings. It was cleared in the early 1970s by Otto Schaden, who has been excavating in recent years at KV10 and KV63.

Ay succeeded to the throne of Tutankhamun, and as a senior official under the reign of Akhenaten he originally had a tomb under construction close to the city of Amarna, which he abandoned following the fall of the Amarna rule. His tomb in the Valley of the Kings was apparently created for a different owner and was usurped by Ay for his own burial. It has a number of unusual features. The decoration bears more than a passing resemblence to that of the tomb of Tutankhamun. The scene showing hunting of water birds in the marshes is unique in a Pharaonic tomb - the activity was usually only displayed in the tombs of the nobles - and the four sons of Horus, shown on the ticket below, are represented in a royal tomb for the first time.

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