Daily Photo - Luxor

Daily Photo - Luxor

In celebration of Luxor Egyptology's new website, here are a couple of photographs from around Luxor itself:

From the Mortuary Temple of Merenptah, West Bank

Sekhmet at the Luxor Museum (for Kat!)

The Tomb of Ay, Valley of the Kings

- Photo For Today - Medinet Habu
Medinet Habu, First Court West Bank, Luxor Su Bayfield has provided an excellent summary of the temple at her Egyptian Documents website http://egyptsites.wordpress.com/category/upper-egypt/luxor-west-bank-temples/ There's a good aerial view of the...

- Travel: Luxor Experienced From The West Bank
The Boston Globe (Dan Orzech) The tomb of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun lies on the west bank of the Nile River. So do a host of other awe-inspiring remains of ancient Egypt, sights that help draw as many as 2 million visitors a year to the area. Most tourists,...

- Daily Photo - Mortuary Temple Of Merenptah, Luxor
It has been pointed out to me that I published these photographs earlier this month with the heading "Merenptah" and no more detail to explain what is being shown. So here they are again with a bit of explanation to clarify them! I hope that the additional...

- Jane Akshar's Luxor News Blog Updates
Luxor News Blog Jane has been busy whilst I have been away. She has updated her blog with a number of articles, accompanied as usual by some great photos, as follows: Photos of the shrine to Ptah and Meretseger on the West Bank Visiting El KabEl Kab...

- The Raising Of Amenhotep Iii
The Egyptian antiquities service has re-erected 2 statues on their original site in the memorial temple of Amenhotep III at Luxor. Amenhotep III was known as "the magnificent" because he reigned at the epoch of the Egyptian empire in the middle of the...

