Daily Photo - Medinet Habu

Daily Photo - Medinet Habu

The Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu, West Bank, Luxor.

- Photo For Today - Medinet Habu
Medinet Habu, First Court West Bank, Luxor Su Bayfield has provided an excellent summary of the temple at her Egyptian Documents website http://egyptsites.wordpress.com/category/upper-egypt/luxor-west-bank-temples/ There's a good aerial view of the...

- Photo For Today - Sekhmet At Medinet Habu
Statue of Sekhment Medinet Habu, West Bank, Luxor Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Fighting Water Levels At Medinet Habu
USAID With photos. Medinet Habu is a fabulous site with a lot of the original colours still in tact. The matching Indiana Jones fedoras on two leading archeologists as they entered the ancient Temple Rameses III of Medinet Habu were necessary shields...

- Resource: More From The Oriental Institute
More online publications have been added to the Oriental Institute's website: OIP 84. Medinet Habu, Volume IV. The Temple Proper, Part II: The Re Chapel, the Royal Mortuary Complex, and Adjacent Rooms with Miscellaneous Material from the Pylons, the...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
Thanks to Bob for pointing out that there is a really good virtual reconstruction of the the tomb of Menna, the topic of yesterday's photo, on the Discovery Channel website. It is interactive, so you can examine different parts of the tomb by clicking...

