Daily Photo - Mons Claudianus, Eastern Desert

Daily Photo - Mons Claudianus, Eastern Desert

I am a bit up to my ears in things today, but if you'd like to know more about Mons Claudianus, a Roman quarrying site and settlement in the Eastern Desert, have a look at this page on one of my other sites, where there is a section about Mons Claudianus (followed by one on Mons Porphyrites).

- Photo For Today - Tareq, Mons Porphyrites
Tareq, Mons Porphyrites The Eastern Desert was used as a resource for raw materials throughout late Predynastic and Dynastic Egypt. The Eastern Desert was a resource for stones and minerals and a through-route for traffic moving between the Red Sea coast...

- Auction: Roman Statue Of Purple Porphyry
News-Antique I've added this only because the statue in question was made from a stone exclusively available from the Eastern Desert of Egypt and quarried from there during the Roman period. The settlement built to accompany the site was called Mons...

- Quarryscapes Website Updated
QuarryScapes Publications It is good to see that the website for a very useful project has been updated with an expanded bibliography and some online publications (thanks to Per Storemyr for letting me know). The QuarryScapes project was first established...

- Weekly Websites
Quseir al-Qadim Project http://www.arch.soton.ac.uk/Projects/default.asp?ProjectID=20This project focuses on the site of Quseir al-Qadim on the southern Egyptian Red Sea coast, and its surrounding landscape. The project is a collaboration between researchers...

- Weekly Websites
Weekly Websites has been missing for the last two weeks, mainly because I haven't been here very much. So here are some diverse pages to kick it off again. OsirisNet www.osirisnet.net Another ruthless plug for a super online resource. OsirisNet need...

