Daily Photo - The Coffin of Hekata

Daily Photo - The Coffin of Hekata

The coffin of Hekata, from his rock cut tomb in Kubbet el Hawa in Aswan. The inner surfaces are covered with scenes and hieratic inscriptions from the coffin texts. The tomb dates to the Twelth Dynasty (Middle Kingdom).

- Third Intermediate Period Coffin Seized In Miami
Looting Matters (David Gill) A Third Intermediate Coffin belonging to the 21st Dynasty Pharaoh Ames has been confiscated in Miami ("Egypt wants a 3,000-year-old coffin back from US", AP March 22, 2009). Zahi Hawass claims that the wooden coffin was removed...

- Rare Egyptian "warrior" Tomb Found
National Geographic (Steve Stanek) An unusual, well-preserved burial chamber that may contain the mummy of an ancient warrior has been discovered in a necropolis in Luxor. Scientists opened the tomb—found in Dra Abul Naga, an ancient cemetery on Luxor's...

- Kv63 - The Infant Coffin
http://www.kv-63.com/pages/1/index.htmDr Schaden has updated the KV63 website at the above address with information about the small coffin known as Coffin D: "As I believe the time is right, I would like to make mention of the small infant coffin, labeled...

- 3400 Year Old Book Of The Dead
The British Museum's curator Dr John Taylor has located pieces of a New Kingdom book of the dead that once belonged to a high priest of Amun in around 1420 bc. The fragments are kept in the Queensland Museum but there are other pieces in various...

- A Pharaoh's Coffin?
Apparently Dr. Hawass said of this coffin that it belonged to a king of the twenty first dynasty though clearly this is not a coffin of a pharaoh and I have some doubt Dr. Hawass would have said that. The coffin was confiscated in Florida and is about...

