Daily Photo - Wadi el Hitan, Faiyum

Daily Photo - Wadi el Hitan, Faiyum

Obedient to Fred's promptings, here's a short explanation of today's photos. Wadi el Hitan, the Valley of Whales, is located within the Faiyum Depression. It contains the fossilized remains of plants and sea creatures which lived here when the area was the shoreline of the ancient Tethys Sea. Plant remains indicated that the area was very much like modern mangroves. The most important of the fossils are the whales, which provide data about the transition of these mammals from land to sea and the evolution of modern whales. The site was made a Protected Area in 1983, and became a World Heritage Site in 2005. It is beautifully laid out and well explained with detailed information boards. The surrounding scenery is very beautiful too.

- Feature: Journeying To See Prehistoric Whales In The Faiyum
Heritage Key (Garry Shaw) With slideshow. If you're into long accounts of travel in four-wheel-drives then you'll find a lot to appeal to you in this article, which is mostly about whether or not the Wadi el Hitan (Valley of the Whales) is an...

- Valley Of The Whales - Wadi Al Hitan
Al Ahram Weekly (Mahmoud Bakr) In an event organised by the Ministry of Environment, Mrs Suzanne Mubarak inaugurated the Valley of the Whales Protected Area in Fayoum. The valley is part of the Wadi Al-Rayan Protected Area, 150km southeast of Cairo and...

- The Faiyum To Become A Tourist Site For Prehistoric Whales
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) In the parched desert on the westernmost edge of the Fayoum Depression stretches Wadi Al-Hitan (Whales Valley), its invaluable fossil remains of the earliest and now extinct sub-order of whales, the Archaeoceti, scattered...

- Wadi El-hitan
http://www.aapg.org/explorer/2006/01jan/whale_valley.cfmAn article about the Eocene 406 whale fossils preserved in the Faiyum Depression at Wadi Hitan (Whale Valley), an area recently designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO: "The great expanse was...

- Wadi Hitan
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/egyptian_mail/m2/An article about the prehistoric marine life in the Wadi Hitan by Hassan Saadallah. "It might be strange to know that Fayyoum, the large fertile depression in the desert, used to have a large number of whales,...

