Daily Photo by Bob Partridge

Daily Photo by Bob Partridge

I've now used all of Tony Marson's excellent photographs, but fear not! Rescue has come from two sources.

Thanks very much to Bob for sending me a massive new batch of photos to use on the blog. I've had a quick flick through and they are a super collection.

Thanks also to Rick Menges who sent me a fine set from the Met and Brooklyn Museums in New York.

I'm kicking off with a series of photographs from the Abu al-Haggag Mosque which is familiar to most visitors to Luxor as the mosque built into the side of Luxor Temple. The mosque can now be reached from the road side. It attracted quite a lot of publicity in 2007 when part of the Pharaonic temple was revealed behind part of the mosque - there's a summary of the find (dating to Ramesses II) on the National Geographic website.

Abu al-Haggag Mosque, Luxor

With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine.

Copyright Bob Partridge

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
Abu al-Haggag Mosque, Luxor Copyright Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
. . . Abu al-Haggag Mosque, Luxor Copyright Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
A quick note to let you know that I am away for the next few days but will be back on Wednesday. Cheers to All. Andie. Abu al-Haggag Mosque, Luxor With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Copyright Bob PartridgeEgyptology...

- Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
Abu al-Haggag Mosque, Luxor With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine Copyright Bob PartridgeEgyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- More Re New Disoveries At Luxor Temple
National Geographic Two page article following up on the new parts of the Temple of Luxor that have been revealed during the restoration of the mosque built into the side of it, with some new details and a different photograph: The previously concealed...

