Dating - The Radiocarbon Way

Dating - The Radiocarbon Way

The Archaeology Channel


What is carbon 14? What is a radiocarbon date? Is it the same as a calendar date? What does radiocarbon dating measure and why does it take a long time? How does an accelerator mass spectrometer measure carbon isotopes? What can you date with radiocarbon? This film features Dr. Christine Prior of GNS Science’s Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, explaining how AMS radiocarbon dating is done at their lab. Dr. Prior explains the principles of radiometric dating and presents an example from a real client.

- Online Resource: Dating Pharaonic Egypt
Science Dating Pharaonic Egypt Hendrik J. Bruins Science June 18th 2010, Volume 328 Ancient literary sources of Pharaonic Egypt constitute the historical cornerstone of time in the eastern Mediterranean region during the Bronze and Iron Ages (the third...

- Responses To C14 Dating Of Egypt
Al Masry Al Youm (Valentina ) In a recent study published in Science Magazine on 18 June 2010, an international team of nine research professors (French, Austrian and Israeli) led by Bronk Ramsey, director of Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit at the...

- More Re Radiocarbon Dating Of Egyptian Material
Scientific American (Richard Lovett) A three-year study of hundreds of artifacts looks set to settle several long-standing debates about Egypt's ancient dynasties. The study, which appears in the June 18 issue of Science, is the first to use high-precision...

- New Method Could Revolutionize Dating Of Ancient Treasures
Science Daily Scientists have developed a new method to determine the age of ancient mummies, old artwork, and other relics without causing damage to these treasures of global cultural heritage. Reporting at the 239th National Meeting of the American...

- J. Arch. Science - Reservoir Offset In C14 Record?
Available to journal subscribers, or by purchase for download. Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 671-900 (April 2010) Investigating the likelihood of a reservoir offset in the radiocarbon record for ancient Egypt M.W. Dee,...

