Dating the Sphinx

Dating the Sphinx

Long has the riddle of the sphinx's age been in question though I doubt it will be proved anyway. I personally believe the face is that of Djedefre mainly because of a head of that king in the Louvre.

- An Alternative View On The Sphinx
The Daily Grail (Rober Schoch) With 20 comments in response, at the time of posting. I first met the Great Sphinx face-to-face on 17 June 1990. She (yes, I consider the Great Sphinx a female) has influenced and in many ways defined my life ever since....

- New Book: The Pharaohs Of Ancient Egypt
Waldmann Press Press release. Another Sphinx theory. On April 30, 2009, American historian and author Steven Mueller revealed his fascinating theory regarding the origin of the Great Sphinx, following the release of his most recent book, The Pharaohs...

- Geological Aspect Of The Problem Of Dating The Great Egyptian Sphinx Construction The Proceedings of the International Conference on Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy 2008 can now be downloaded, in PDF format, at the above address. One of the papers available is: Geological aspect of the problem of dating...

- More Re Age And Development Of Giza Sphinx
Press TV A British geologist claims the Egyptian Sphinx could be much older than previously thought and might have originally had a lion's face. Colin Reader says the rain erosion on the Sphinx's enclosure suggests it was built before the first...

- Giza's Sphinx
The age of the Sphinx has long been debated but whether the human face actually was originally carved as a lion is unknown.

