Death to Qurna

Death to Qurna

This Egyptian village sits on top of the tombs of the nobles of the New Kingdom and so the Supreme council of Antiquities wants the village gone.

- Photo For Today - Last One From Deir El Medina
View from the village up towards the workmens' tombs Sorry Tim - this is the last one of the village for the time being! Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Death Of A Village
Times Online, UK (James Hilder) Just outside the Valley of the Kings a set of ancient tombs has created a very modern controversy. Western archaeologists accuse the Egyptian Government of forcibly displacing thousands of people from a unique local community...

- Qurna - The Undesired Tomb Dwellers In Egypt
Documentography Thanks very much to Ingeborg Waanders for this link. It is accompanied by some stunning photographs of Qurna (click on the link at the bottom of the above page to scroll through them). We are standing in the interconnecting tombs beneath...

- More Re Eviction Of Qurna"Slowly Qurna is being erased from the map. The process began last December after the Luxor authorities ordered the demolition of all the village's mud brick houses. 'In just five minutes,'...

- The Showman And The Archaeologist
The recent presentation by Caroline Simpson of the state of archaeology in Egypt has taken back a number of people though many realized the fate of the Qurna village was sealed a number of years ago but there was however a true belief that at least a...

