Desert Day Trips

Desert Day Trips
"A travel article on the Tour Egypt website about traveling in comfort in the oases of the Western Desert of Egypt: "You don’t have to be a diehard camper to enjoy the beauty of Egypt’s Western Desert. For those who don’t have time or inclination to spend long hours or even days en route to Egypt’s famous oases of Bahariyya, Farafra, Dakhla and Kharga, day trips near and around the Fayoum area are a good way to get a feel for the desert without committing yourself to a prolonged or particularly gruelling trip."

- Travel: An Oases Road Trip
Al-Masry Al-Youm (John Harris) With photos. In the past, the problem wasn’t the spectacular scenery along the way, but the transport and accommodation infrastructure that made it all accessible. Until recently, accessing the Western Desert was better...

- Travel: Out Of The Towns And Into The Lovely Oases
Egypt Today (Ali El-Bahnasawy) The sun, space and opportunity to leave behind the crowded high-tech world are what attracts adventure lovers to the boundless stretches of Egyptian desert, one of the loneliest and unspoiled places on the planet You don’t...

- Interview With Neil Hewison Re Faiyum Depression
Taiwan News (John Bordsen) Resident and author tells all about Fayoum, one of six main oases in the Western Desert of Egypt What's it like to live in a far-off place most of us see only on a vacation? Foreign Correspondence is an interview with someone...

- Travel: Camping In The Western Desert Of Egypt
Thanks to Ben for posting my article about the task of preparing for a holiday which includes several days camping in the Western Desert of Egypt on his All About Egypt website. He has organized it into 5 sections, with photographs: Desert travel

- Travel: Western Desert
Des Moines Register A very brief description of a tour to the Western Desert oases. We drove through the Kharga Depression, which contains one of the largest fields of small yardangs - rock ridges caused by wind and water erosion.The next day we traveled...

