Dig Days - The Magic of Tut

Dig Days - The Magic of Tut

Zahi Hawass talking about the legacy of the discovery of Tutankhamun in his Dig Days column in Al Ahram Weekly.

- Zahi Hawass On Kv63
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/796/hr3.htmZahi Hawass's Dig Days column pulls no punches again this week: "Before the discovery of KV 63, the Valley of the Kings had been silent for 83 years, three months and six days since the magical day when Howard...

- Dig Days: Queen Sofia Of Spain
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/772/he2.htmZahi Hawass's Dig Days column in the Al Ahram Weekly this week describes Zahi's four meetings with the Queen of Spain: "Queen Sofia told me she had heard about my discovery of the tombs of the Pyramid...

- Dig Days: Imhotep: The First Gifted Architect
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/763/he2.htmZahi Hawass's occasional Dig Days column on the Al Ahram Weekly website, this time looking at the Imhotep Museum, named for the Old Kingdom pyramid architecht: " We have begun a new phase of the site management...

- Access By Foreign Missions To Egypt
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/725/hr2.htm Zahi Hawass in his Al Ahram column talking about foreign missions to Egypt, explaining some of the SCA regulations for foreign missions applying to work in Egypt, and the reasons for them. He also addresses...

- Zahi Hawass On Ice9
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/710/he2.htm Zahi Hawass has an article in Al Ahram Weekly talking about ICE9 and, amongst other things, the French presentation of their "discovery" of a new chamber in the Great Pyramid. In it he has a go at the International...

