Digitized books from Brian Yare

Digitized books from Brian Yare

I always post updates re magazine and journal publications when I know of them, because I believe that they are of interest to visitors, but I rarely post about any other commercial ventures - in spite of a number of requests to advertise tours. However, Yare Egyptology is an online store with a difference. Brian Yare has been established for many years, selling electronic publications of out of copyright books, many of them completely impossible to get hold of outside academic libraries. The books come on CD-Rom in either PDF or HTML format, and are fully hyperlinked for ease of navigation (For a demos of how they work go to http://www.egypt.e7even.com/demo/index.htm). The full cataloge is available on the above site, and new additions to the catalogue are posted at a Yahoo! group. To give you an idea of the sort of book available, here are three of the most recent additions to the catalogue, added in October: Norman de Garis Davies, The Tomb of Two Sculptors at Thebes (very rare and beautiful), Petrie, 1890, Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara (reports of his privately funded excavations), and Piehl, 1895 and 1903, Inscriptions Hiéroglyphiques Recueillies en Égypte, Series 3 (100 plates of hand-drawn inscriptions taken from museums in Europe and Egypt, with a commentary and translation in French).

- Eighth Annual Petrie Book Auction
The 2012 Petrie book auction has just started.  If you have previously registered to receive the list you should have already received this notification and the first list from Petrie Books and you do not need to register again.  If you are...

- Open Access Oxyrhynchus
Ancient World Online See the above address for the links. Archive.org now has the first fourteen volumes of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri online in toto and in a variety of formats, for viewing and for download; Volumes 1-5 are digitized by Google Books from...

- Yare Egyptology Sale
www.yare.org/egyptBrian Yare has announced his annual "January Sale" is now on and runs until 31st January 2008. Brian's online store is a useful service, offering copies of books which are out of copyright on CD-Rom in PDF and HTML format. In the...

- Second Hand Books
Three online book sellers have made their most recent catalogues of new, used and bargain books available by email or on their websites: Museum Books October 2007 book list (new and second hand) This autumn list has many interesting new and out of print...

- Weekly Websites - Special Edition
Out of Print book search As frequent visitors will know, I haven't been doing much web surfing recently so this is a special version to address one particular problem - finding unusual or out of print books. I have been using all of these companies...

