Discovery of 20 mummies and a wooden coffin in Aswan

Discovery of 20 mummies and a wooden coffin in Aswan

Europa Press   

Roughly, a team from the university of Jaen working in Aswan at the site of Qubbet el-Hawa have found 20 mummies from different periods as well as a large amount of other archaeological material including a wooden sarcophagus.  This is the fourth season of the Jaen excavations focusing on a large tomb constructed by a provincial governor of the 12th Dynasty.  The newly discovered wooden coffin is a later, intrusive addition to the tomb. Excavations have been using new technologies including RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), and 3D scanning of walls, to assist with greater accuracy in the reading of the tomb's hieroglyphs.  In the next few days the investigations will reach the oldest levels of the tomb, where there is clear evidence for more chambers / rooms are "perhaps intact." Two smaller tombs have also been discovered.

The article goes on to describe the project and its scope.

You can follow the ongoing work of the Qubbet el-Hawa project at their dig diary (in Spanish) at (, where there are some great images even if you don't speak the language.

From the Europa Press website
El equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Jaén (UJA) que desde hace un mes trabaja en la necrópolis de Qubbet el-Hawa en Asuán (Egipto) ha cosechado sus primeros resultados, con el hallazgo de veinte momias de diferentes periodos, así como una gran cantidad de material arqueológico, entre el que se encuentra un sarcófago de madera.

Se trata de la cuarta campaña de excavación que realiza este equipo, dirigido por el profesor de Historia Antigua de la UJA Alejandro Jiménez Serrano, que está centrando sus esfuerzos en una gran tumba construida por un gobernador provincial de la XII Dinastía (1830 a.C.), tal y como ha informado este lunes la institución jiennense.

- Resultados Excavaciones Investigadores Uja En Egipto Superan Las Expectativas With thanks to Amigos de la Egiptologia for this link. Alejandro Jiménez, director del equipo multidisciplinar de dieciocho investigadores de las universidades de Jaén, Granada y Londres, que ha estado trabajando desde el 2008 en la necrópolis...

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Ushebtis Egipcios or You Tube Video. Well worth watching even if you don't speak Spanish.  If you only speak a little Spanish this is very clear and easy to follow. Un equipo de arqueólogos de la Universidad de Jaén está desarrollando una...

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- Video: Excavaciones Arqueológicas En La Necrópolis Faraónica De Qubbet El-hawa, En Asuán
Thanks very much to Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano for sending me a link to a video file which has some tv reports on their mission in Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan). In Spanish. Well worth watching if you speak the language.

- Excavation News: Tomb Nº 33 At Qubbet El-hawa (aswan)
Thanks very much to Alejandro Jiménez Serrano (Área de Historia Antigua, Universidad de Jaén) for sending me the following recent links which have details about the excavation that he is leading in tomb nº 33 at Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan). It was excavated...

