Distant Dakhla

Distant Dakhla

Jill Kamil reports on the fifth Dakhla Oasis Project conference: "Treasures from the Roman period have been transported for exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in conjunction with the fifth conference of the Dakhla Oasis Project (DOP), which opened last Saturday. It was fitting introduction to an international gathering, at which presentations related to current fieldwork revealed how dramatically our knowledge of life in the oasis has increased in recent years."

- Online: Treasures Of Dakhleh Oasis
Leiden University Open Access     An exhibition on the occasion of the Fifth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project Informative 40-page PDF with some lovely photographs. Foreword Dakhleh, the “inner” of the oases...

- Travel: Dakhla Oasis
New Stuff We will be starting our journey in the footsteps of Rohlfs this December 2009 from Dakhla Oasis. Below is some information about the place. Dakhla is among the most remote oases being far from both Cairo and Luxor. To get there from Cairo you...

- Travel: Out Of The Towns And Into The Lovely Oases
Egypt Today (Ali El-Bahnasawy) The sun, space and opportunity to leave behind the crowded high-tech world are what attracts adventure lovers to the boundless stretches of Egyptian desert, one of the loneliest and unspoiled places on the planet You don’t...

- Daily Photo - Al Qasr
The Medieval town of Al Qasr is described so well by Jenny Jobbins in an article on Al Ahram Weekly, that I am simply going to refer you to her article. Here's her introduction, but do go to the article for the full story. The town of Al-Qasr, otherwise...

- Surface Evidence
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/787/heritage.htmThe long-held but untested belief that the Dakhleh Oasis town of Al-Qasr was built on the site of a Roman citadel has been confirmed with the discovery, by accident, of a piece of wall that has always been...

