Doggy Mummies

Doggy Mummies

The good folks at National Geographic have finally added some images of the catacombs that some say contain millions of dog mummies dedicated to the god Anubis. The pictures certainly demonstrate why the catacombs probably interested Jacques De Morgan little.

Interesting though in the level of decomposition of the piles of poorly mummified dogs left here in the late period to the late Ptolemaic period.

- Unveiling Animal Mummies
The Scientist (Cristina Luiggi) With video. Stuffed into the sand-buffeted ancient ruins scattered about the Nile Delta are tens of millions of mummified animals. Birds, cats, dogs, crocodiles, snakes—nearly all manner of creature that lived during...

- Photographs Of Discovery Of Puppy Mummies
National Geographic Photographs on the above page. As part of the first full excavation of Egypt's ancient Dog Catacombs, scientists examine 2,500-year-old animal remains—a small sample of the roughly eight million animal mummies in these tunnels....

- Millions Of Canine Mummies Revealed At Saqqara
LiveScience (Wynne Parry) The excavation of a labyrinth of tunnels beneath the Egyptian desert has revealed the remains of millions of animals, mostly dogs and jackals. Many appear to have been only hours or days old when they were killed and mummified....

- Mummy Scanning
Here we have an article in pictures from National Geographic on scanning of some of Cairo's mummies including Maihirpre found in the valley of kings in the late 19th century. Also particularly interesting the mummy of Hatiay, sadly without picture...

- Fishing In A Ct Scan
This article from National Geographic has a number of excellent pictures of crocodile mummies as well as ct scan images....

