Dr. Hawass' Wish list

Dr. Hawass' Wish list

Here is a video on Dr. Zahi Hawass talking about those five objects he desperately wants returned except he seems to have dropped his request for the Denderah zodiac and now it's Turin's turn to hand over their statue of Ramses II.

- Update On Current State Of Antiquities
drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass) Yesterday Hawass issued another update re the current state of antiquities in Egypt. Exerpt: Dr. Hawass said it seems the looters dropped objects as they fled, and every inch of the museum must be searched before the Registration,...

- Formal Request For Loan Of Antiquities For Museum Opening
http://tinyurl.com/2aupub (sis.gov.eg)"The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has formally requested the temporary display of unique ancient Egyptian antiquities kept in several museums abroad during the inauguration of the Grand Egyptian Museum in...

- The Ten Most Important Egyptian Objects Outside Egypt
This is a list of the most important Egyptian artifacts not the property of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. Though there are certainly more contenders for the list including perhaps the gold headdress of a wife of Thutmosis III in...

- Not A Loan
This article is on the Rosetta stone and Egypt's Secretary general of the Supreme counsel of antiquities desire to have it back not as a loan but permanent. In recent weeks Dr. Zahi Hawass has become less diplomatic with not only the British museum...

- The Louvre Suspension
Five fragments of wall paintings in the Louvre were stolen from an Egyptian tomb in 1980 in an area of the Theban necropolis known as "the tombs of the nobles". The Supreme council of antiquities informed the Louvre's director Henri Loyrette who apparently...

