Dr. Hawass's Mission

Dr. Hawass's Mission

Here is another article on the effectiveness of the good doctor and his mission. Why the article has a picture of the bust of prince Ank haf in the Boston museum I do not know as the bust was given to Boston legally.


- Egypt Seeks Help In Getting Back Artifacts
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-5139396,00.html"Egypt announced Wednesday it was launching a campaign for the return of five of its most precious artifacts from museums abroad, including the Rosetta Stone in London and the graceful...

- A Star Like Nefertiti
The head of Egypt's antiquities service, Dr. Zahi Hawass has once again called on the folks in Germany to hand over the bust of Nefertiti found at tell El Amarna in 1912. According to Dr. Hawass he has paperwork to prove the bust was illegally smuggled...

- Nefertiti Stays Put
A very good article on Dr. Hawass and his request for Berlin's bust of Nefertiti to visit Egypt (preferably on a permanent basis). The article claims the western media has made the doctor look bad no doubt the western media has noticed Dr. Hawass'...

- Not A Loan
This article is on the Rosetta stone and Egypt's Secretary general of the Supreme counsel of antiquities desire to have it back not as a loan but permanent. In recent weeks Dr. Zahi Hawass has become less diplomatic with not only the British museum...

- A Threatening Speech
In a speech made by Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities a few of years ago in Paris to members of UNESCO's Intergovernmental committee for the return of cultural heritage. Dr. Hawass made a fiery speech...

