Dutch mission discovers ancient tomb

Dutch mission discovers ancient tomb

There is some question mark about whether this article refers to a tomb discovered recently or one referred to some time ago, and it does seem odd that this is the only news service that has picked it up - I'll let you know if I hear anything else about it:
"An ancient tomb dates back some 3,500 years ago has been unearthed in Egypt by a Dutch mission, the official MENA news agency reported Friday.
The ancient tomb, located in Giza's Saqqara area in southwest of Cairo, belongs to a priest called Meri Neet, who had become known as the chief superintendent of god Aton at the time, the report said.
The huge tomb, discovered by the Dutch mission from Leiden Museum, dates back to the era of King Akhenaton, the 19th dynasty of ancient Egypt.
The Dutch experts found the burial chamber, but without finding the mummy.
According to the report, the tomb contained utensils on which the names of the four sons of god Horus are engraved.
The Dutch mission also discovered a rare stone slab bearing the image of a woman holding a bunch of flowers, which follows the design of ancient Egyptian art known in Menya at the time.
The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities has prepared to refer the new discovery to Culture Minister Farouq Hosni to endorse the finances needed for further digging operations around the area."

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