Edition 8 of Egyptological

Edition 8 of Egyptological


18th April 2013
Scene from the replica of the tomb of Tutankhamun

Table of Contents:
The Significance of the Crossed Arms Pose in the New Kingdom – Part 1.  By Dylan Bickerstaffe

Labib Habachi A Life to Know…. Part 1. By Garry Beuk

Replicating the tomb of Tutankhamun. Conservation and sustainable tourism in the Valley of the Kings. By Andrea Byrnes

An Exploration of the term ‘inw’ from the Early Dynastic Period to the New Kingdom. By Barbara O’Neill

Marianne Brocklehurst and the West Park Museum, Macclesfield – Part 1. By Andrea Byrnes

Revisiting Heqanakht. By Barbara O’Neill

Merneith – The First Queen of Egypt? By Kate Phizackerley

In Brief:
The goddess Neith in the Early Dynastic period

Book Reviews:
Traveling Through the Deserts of Egypt
Dawn of Egyptian Art

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